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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A woman stands on the shore of an ocean, waiting for something. She has set up her wands along the shore, indicating that she has initiated a project. Now she waits for initial feedback or reaction to her new venture. A crescent moon hangs low in the sky. The moon, mostly hidden, suggests that much is still unknown. The woman does not know if her effort will pay off, yet it is easy to imagine that she is visualizing her ships coming in.

This card indicates great vision and foresight. You have taken an idea and started implementing it. You have laid the groundwork for a new business, enterprise, career, or project. You can clearly see your goal. Take a step back and watch for initial responses. Because you've done your work well, you can expect to see signs of success.

If reversed, be prepared for a delay in the expected returns or perhaps responses that are not quite what you've hoped for.

Use your intuition

  • There is a tree on a cliff to the right of the woman. What does it signify?
  • Two of the wands are topped with silver symbols, but the third is not. Why is that?

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